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Our Team Cares

The Injury Rehabilitation Clinic was founded in 1988 by Mary Beth Patton, OTR. Injury Rehab Clinic specializes in outpatient orthopedic physical and occupational therapy for individuals of all ages. At IRC, we guarantee quicker recoveries with better results than any competitor in town. Injury Rehab Clinic provides a relaxing, family friendly work environment where everyone gets a healthy dose of laughs and smiles! Our therapists provide one-on-one manual treatment and personalized therapy sessions that will best suit you and your specific needs. Come in and get your FREE Injury Evaluation Today.

IRC consists of Physical and Occupational Therapists that are ready to help you the moment you pick up the phone. With our convenient hours from 8:00am – 7:30pm Monday-Friday, we can easily accommodate our client’s schedules. Need to come in before or after work or school? We can work with you.


You don’t have to be a Pro Athlete to be treated like one

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